
Cliq Online Merchant Center Web Cart

Web Cart is a full featured easy to use shopping cart that integrates easily into your existing web site. There is no software to buy or install. All you need to do is add a few "Add to Cart" buttons that link your web site to our secure server, and we take care of the rest. No additional changes need to be made to the server where your website is hosted.

When customers buy, they simply click on "Add to Cart / Buy Now" buttons or links. They then go to a secure shopping cart and checkout form hosted on our secure servers, where they can select the shipping and payment options you have defined. And since it's a MerchantPartners.com LLC service, all of the payment options like credit cards and electronic checks are automatically configured. No payment integration is required. We even support digital downloads (i.e. software, ebooks, etc.).

Web Cart Modes There are two different shopping cart modes that you can use. In the shopping cart only mode, you host your own product catalog on your web site and we handle the checkout and payment options. If you enable the Catalog option, we'll host your Online Store including product catalog which you can link to from your web site using a "Click here to view our Online Store" link. Which mode you select is up to you --- there are no additional fees to enable the catalog. And you can easily switch between the two modes to decide which one best suits your situation.

  • Shopping Cart Demo - View our Shopping Cart Demo to see an example of how the shopping cart can be integrated into your existing web site.
  • Online Store Demo - View our Online Store Demo to see an example of the same store but this time with the Online Store with product catalog mode enabled.

Getting started with Web Cart

Activating your cart is easy. If you are an existing merchant with an Online Merchant Center Login, select the Web Cart menu within the Online Merchant Center. For new merchants, contact your reseller or Customer Service and ask that they add Web Cart to your gateway account. Then download the Web Cart Guide for a detailed description of all of the available features.

If you have additional questions regarding Web Cart features and capabilities, contact your reseller or email Web Cart Support.

How are payments processed through Web Cart?

Cliq Online Merchant Center Web Cart captures the necessary customer information (name, credit card number, etc.) from a customizable transaction page hosted on an Cliq Online Merchant Center secure server, for the customer to fill out.

The customer’s information is encrypted using 40- or 128-bit Secure Socket Layer technology and sent to an Cliq Online Merchant Center transaction server. The server sends the data through the authorization network to the appropriate card issuer's bank, using a secure, proprietary connection. When the authorization process is complete -- this takes around five seconds -- the customer receives an approval or decline response and the Cliq Online Merchant Center server stores the transaction. Transactions are automatically settled each day and are typically funded within two to three business days.

Merchants can check the status of transactions or run reports on past activity by going to the Cliq Online Merchant Center Web site and logging on to their own password-protected Cliq Online Merchant Center site.

Online businesses also can use the Cliq Online Merchant Center Virtual Terminal to enter payment information manually if customers prefer to call in their credit card information.

Web Cart Features


  • Product Display
  • Unlimited categories
  • Unlimited products
  • Unlimited category nesting
  • Buy-Now button option
  • Products search
  • Manufacturer information
  • List by Manufacturer
  • Unlimited product options (i.e. color, size)
  • Unlimited product options attributes (i.e. red, blue, green)
  • Options can be configured to effect price
  • Product Data Fields
  • Name, price and description
  • Product image
  • Weight (for shipping calculations)
  • Date available
  • Model Number (for easier order fulfillment)
  • Inventory counter
  • Image upload tool for each product
  • In stock or out of stock setting

  • Guest and registered user shopping carts
  • Automatic tax calculation
  • Remove products
  • Edit quantity of products in cart
  • See options and option prices
  • Easy to navigate checkout procedure
  • Customer registers when placing order
  • Repeat customers need only login to place orders
  • Secure transactions with SSL
  • Choice of shipping options
  • Choice of payment options
  • Automatic E-mail notifications for new registration and each order placed
  • Customer is notified of customer website where they can view order status

  • Self-service customer account management and order status lookup
  • Edit contact info
  • Customer address books (other shipping destinations)
  • Order history
  • Order status
  • Email newsletter subscription status (can easily subscribe and unsubscribe)
  • View all customers registered
  • Email individual customers, all customers, or subscribed customers
  • Edit customer information

  • Temporarily set special price
  • Sales/Disounts by percentage or fixed dollar amount
  • Original pricing retained and reset after sale period ends
  • Special price is shown next to actual price
  • Specials are highlighted through out the site

Customer Interaction
  • Product reviews by site members
  • Bestseller lists automatically calculated
  • Display what other customers have bought (relating to the current product displayed)
  • Tell a Friend email option

Administrative Functionality
  • Easy to use menu-driven admin tools
  • Statistics for products and customers
  • Add/Edit/Remove: categories, products, manufacturers, customers, reviews
  • Print Invoices and Packing Slips
  • Update Order Status: Pending / Processing / Shipped

Shipping Modules
  • Multiple built-in shipping modules
  • USPS
  • FedEx
  • UPS
  • Flat Rate
  • Custom Rate Table
  • Weight, price, and destination based shipping
  • Real-time quotes available (UPS, USPS, FedEx)
  • Free shipping based on amount and destination
  • Disable certain shipping services based on geographic zones

Tax Calculations
  • Flexible tax implementation on a state and country basis
  • Set different tax rates for different products
  • Charge tax on shipping on a per shipping service basis

  • List products by how often the were viewed
  • List products by how often the were purchased
  • List customers by sales volume